Introduction to Lyme Regis beach video
Visit Lyme Regis beach in Dorset with Maia and Keiran as they ask questions about rocks and fossils.
Animals, including humans, Living things and their habitats
Use this ID sheet and key to help pupils identify the minibeasts they find in their school grounds.
Visit Lyme Regis beach in Dorset with Maia and Keiran as they ask questions about rocks and fossils.
Maia and Keiran discover what a fossil is, how fossils get inside rocks and what fossils can tell us about living things.
Maia and Keiran meet an expert at the Charmouth Heritage Centre who explains how sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks form, using chocolate!
Match each animal or plant fossil to the living thing it formed from.
Match the images to the sentences and explain how fossils are formed.
Use this poster to look closely at an ichthyosaur fossil and use clues to work out what this extinct marine reptile was like when it was alive.
Discover the science of living things and their habitats, link learning to the real-world of minibeasts and inspire pupils with people in real careers.
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