Introducing living things and their habitats
Understand all about living things and their habitats. Explore and identify animals and plants, and classify them as living, dead, never been alive and more.
6 resources
View LessonDiscover the essential science of living things and their habitats. Understand food chains and uncover how different objects can be categorised into living, dead and never alive!
In the real–world challenge pupils explore and survey minibeasts found in different microhabitats that are located outside of the classroom.
Careers content featuring an Ecologist, showcases real jobs and links knowledge and skills with the world of work.
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A series of lessons that will get you started…
Understand all about living things and their habitats. Explore and identify animals and plants, and classify them as living, dead, never been alive and more.
6 resources
View LessonHelp your pupils develop their understanding of food chains with these three resources.
3 resources
View LessonInspire your students to understand and learn all about different types of animals.
5 resources
View LessonPut learning to the test with a real-world application of knowledge…
A real-world challenge inspiring pupils to find out what minibeasts are, where they live, and what they need to survive.
6 resources
View LessonDiscover real careers linked to this subject…
Watch Jen, an ecologist, talking about her job and using special equipment to observe and identify minibeasts in a variety of microhabitats.
A guide for teachers with suggestions for how to build awareness of a career in ecology. Includes ideas for role play and vocabulary development.