Periodic table challenge interactive
An interactive game helping students develop and test their knowledge of periodic table elements, and their properties.
Atomic structure and the periodic table
Use this ‘Check my learning’ assessment sheet alongside the ‘Atoms and periodic table knowledge organiser’ to find out how much your students understand about this topic.
An interactive game helping students develop and test their knowledge of periodic table elements, and their properties.
A classroom poster of the periodic table (without lanthanides and actinides).
A classroom poster of the periodic table (with lanthanides and actinides).
This two-page visual organiser contains essential knowledge for students learning about atomic structure and the periodic table.
See all Energising Futures resources with direct links, sorted by topic, for ages 14–16 to easily integrate them into your planning. Plus, seasonal awareness days, so you can keep up-to-date this Autumn term!
Uncover the science of electrolysis and how it can produce hydrogen. Take on the challenge and produce hydrogen with a simple electrolysis cell.
21 resources
View CollectionUseful knowledge organisers including all the essential facts to introduce or revise topics in the science curriculum.
20 resources
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