Which rock is the hardest?
Use this investigation planning sheet to plan and record a scratch test investigation into the hardness of different rocks.
Use this group of resources to explore rock properties by carrying out the scratch test with your class. Use the Which rock is the hardest? Worksheet to record predictions and results of the test, reflect on how fair the test was and draw a graph.
Your class can then use this information to complete the rock properties activity sheet and apply their knowledge to different rocks and their uses. They can then explore the idea of permeability.
Just want one of the lesson resources? No problem…
Use this investigation planning sheet to plan and record a scratch test investigation into the hardness of different rocks.
Use this activity sheet to group rocks according to their hardness and to relate their properties to use.
Learn about careers related to this lesson…
Use this presentation to inspire your pupils to think about a potential future career and link learning about rocks to the real-world.
Inspire your pupils to think about a future career and link learning about rocks to the real-world, with this job-role card.
Watch Marli, a mineral resources petrologist (who studies rocks) at work and find out about the knowledge and skills she needs for success.
Use this presentation to inspire your pupils to think about a potential future career and link learning about rocks and fossils to the real-world.
Inspire your pupils to think about a future career and link learning about rocks and fossils to the real-world, with this job-role card.
Discover other resources around this topic…
Learn about the science of rocks and fossils and take on a real-life challenge investigating the properties of rocks, with a rock scientist.
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View LessonExplore the rock cycle, the the formation of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks and discover some of their features.
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View LessonExplore group rocks according to their type, minerals, properties and uses with this virtual rock kit and quiz.
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View LessonLearn about rock types, explore their properties, and discover careers related to rocks.
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View LessonLearn about fossils and tongue twisters through the life story of Mary Anning, the fossil hunter!
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