Rocks and Fossils
Learn about real-world examples of sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks and fossils, plus learn how each rock type is formed.
5 resources
View LessonPupils become detectives as they explore and classify rocks and fossils and relate properties to uses. They learn about the life story of fossil hunter, Mary Anning. In the real-world challenge they meet a range of rock scientists and through practical experiments, help a real petrologist investigate the porosity and permeability of rocks. The careers content showcases the petrologist at work and inspires potential careers.
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A series of lessons that will get you started…
Learn about real-world examples of sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks and fossils, plus learn how each rock type is formed.
5 resources
View LessonExplore the rock cycle, the the formation of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks and discover some of their features.
2 resources
View LessonExplore group rocks according to their type, minerals, properties and uses with this virtual rock kit and quiz.
3 resources
View LessonExplore different rock properties and learn about varying scientific methodologies and practices.
2 resources
View LessonBecome a fossil detective exploring animal adaptations and make suggestions about how they lived.
5 resources
View LessonPut learning to the test with a real-world application of knowledge…
Learn about rock types, explore their properties, and discover careers related to rocks.
6 resources
View LessonDiscover real careers linked to this subject…
Use this presentation to inspire your pupils to think about a potential future career and link learning about rocks to the real-world.
Inspire your pupils to think about a future career and link learning about rocks to the real-world, with this job-role card.
Watch Marli, a mineral resources petrologist (who studies rocks) at work and find out about the knowledge and skills she needs for success.
Use this presentation to inspire your pupils to think about a potential future career and link learning about rocks and fossils to the real-world.
Inspire your pupils to think about a future career and link learning about rocks and fossils to the real-world, with this job-role card.