Electrolysis of ionic solutions
This presentation introduces students to the electrolysis of ionic solutions, how hydrogen is produced and how to write half equations.
Working scientifically, Chemical and allied industries, Earth and atmospheric science, Energy, Human and physical geography
See all Energising Futures resources with direct links, sorted by topic, for ages 14–16 to easily integrate them into your planning.
This presentation introduces students to the electrolysis of ionic solutions, how hydrogen is produced and how to write half equations.
Students decide if each fact about producing and using hydrogen from electrolysis, is a benefit or a challenge.
With this real-world challenge presentation, students learn about hydrogen and use an electrolysis cell to produce hydrogen themselves.
Students use this spreadsheet to calculate the energy efficiency of the process in which they produced hydrogen by electrolysis.
Step-by-step instructions for students to use during the challenge, as they set up an electrolysis cell to produce hydrogen.
Card match game in which students match the hydrogen spectrum colour cards with the method of production and information about the process.