Electric helicopter animation
Can you make an electric helicopter with a rotor that switches on and off? Use this animation to introduce this challenge to pupils.
Materials, Human body, Forces
These practical science activities link maths, science and sport to engage your pupils in experiments. Complete these activities to practice recording data, data handling and following a method.
Can you make an electric helicopter with a rotor that switches on and off? Use this animation to introduce this challenge to pupils.
Use this presentation to give pupils ideas for their own electric helicopter designs.
Label the components of a model helicopter circuit and interpret circuit diagrams using this activity sheet.
Label helicopter parts, identify forces acting on a helicopter and decide on the best materials for different parts, using this activity sheet.
Explore air resistance though sycamore seeds and paper spinners in this online quiz
Test your students' knowledge of air resistance with this activity sheet
Creative and fun everyday science experiments.
4 resources
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