Maggie Aderin-Pocock life story
Simple information sheet describing the life, career and achievements of space scientist, inventor, and super scientist, Maggie Aderin-Pocock.
Earth and space
Use the data on the poster to answer questions about the planets including ‘Are all planets made of rock like Earth? How big is each planet? How far is each planet from the Sun?’. Use information about the relative size of each planet using fruit, and relative scaled distances between planets, to make a model of the solar system in the playground.
Simple information sheet describing the life, career and achievements of space scientist, inventor, and super scientist, Maggie Aderin-Pocock.
Ten-question quiz about the life and career of space and super scientist Maggie Aderin-Pocock, for use with the life story information sheet.
Pupils use this activity sheet to name the planets in our solar system and then write creatively about visiting a neighbouring planet.
Use this presentation to find out about the life, career and achievements of space scientist, inventor and super scientist, Maggie Aderin-Pocock.
Use this poster to encourage pupils' to become Moon explorers!
Challenge your pupils to keep a moon diary for 28 days – use the activity sheet to record what they see.
Covering the rock cycle, planets in our solar system, fossils and more, find vibrant posters that are perfect for your classroom wall. Spark group conversations while providing pupils with the need-to-know facts on a topic in the science curriculum.
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