Circuits animation
Use this animation, to provide context for an investigation into what happens when there is more than one bulb in a circuit.
Pupils research a Nikola Tesla invention, describe that invention, record why it’s useful and who’s most likely to use it. Then, they choose to write either a newspaper article, blog post, poster or radio/TV ad, that informs others about the invention and makes it famous.
Use this animation, to provide context for an investigation into what happens when there is more than one bulb in a circuit.
Use this activity sheet to identify components, use symbols and draw a circuit diagram.
Plan an investigation into the effects of having more than one bulb in a circuit, with this investigation planning sheet.
Use this activity sheet to complete sentences about electricity and circuits and identify simple components, and working circuits.
How does a battery work? Why are batteries important to the future of our planet? Use this presentation to answer these questions and more.
Use this classroom poster to stimulate discussions about the humble battery and why it’s so important to the future of our planet.
Discover the science of electricity, link learning to the real-world of electric vehicles and inspire pupils with people in real careers.
36 resources
View CollectionDiscover some of the worlds greatest 'Super scientists' from the modern day and history.
20 resources
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