Check your learning: Energy transfers
A seven-question assessment sheet to check how much students know about energy transfers, electricity and the wind.
Energy resources and fuels
This interactive presentation builds students confidence in understanding graphs and charts through scaffolded questioning, practice of data analysis and tips and tricks. An energy consultant introduces their task, which uses students understanding of energy resources to solve energy challenges of the future.
A seven-question assessment sheet to check how much students know about energy transfers, electricity and the wind.
A presentation to help students understand renewable energy sources, electricity generation from the wind, and its successes and challenges.
An investigation planning sheet to support an investigation into how the size of turbine blades affects how quickly an object moves.
Use this real-world challenge presentation to find out about wind farms and stakeholders, before students plan the best location for a new farm.
Use these stakeholder information cards to discover the viewpoints of six people, all concerned about the location of a new offshore wind farm.
Students use this activity sheet to record things they already know, and would like to know, about offshore wind farms.