Hydrogen generation challenge presentation
With this real-world challenge presentation, students learn about hydrogen and use an electrolysis cell to produce hydrogen themselves.
Working scientifically
Challenge stereotypes and inspire your students with this informative, visual poster celebrating the achievements of women engineers.
With this real-world challenge presentation, students learn about hydrogen and use an electrolysis cell to produce hydrogen themselves.
Students use this spreadsheet to calculate the energy efficiency of the process in which they produced hydrogen by electrolysis.
Step-by-step instructions for students to use during the challenge, as they set up an electrolysis cell to produce hydrogen.
A skills self-assessment sheet for students to use after they have completed the' Hydrogen generation challenge'.
Students use this activity sheet to demonstrate what's they've learnt during the challenge.
Find out everything that you need to know, to inspire your students to become fashion fixers with this real-world challenge!
Women have contributed to advances in all aspects of science, from computing, to medicine and astronomy. Inspire your students by celebrating discoveries made by women, and encourage them to consider a career in science themselves using this engaging poster and exciting assembly.
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