Electric helicopter animation
Can you make an electric helicopter with a rotor that switches on and off? Use this animation to introduce this challenge to pupils.
Animals, including humans, Living things and their habitats, Design, Evaluate, Human and physical geography
What inspired your design? What species are you helping to survive and thrive? What natural and technical solutions have you come up with to improve biodiversity? Students answer these questions and more, to explain and evaluate their home for nature design.
Can you make an electric helicopter with a rotor that switches on and off? Use this animation to introduce this challenge to pupils.
Use this presentation to give pupils ideas for their own electric helicopter designs.
Label the components of a model helicopter circuit and interpret circuit diagrams using this activity sheet.
Label helicopter parts, identify forces acting on a helicopter and decide on the best materials for different parts, using this activity sheet.
A skills and knowledge self-assessment sheet for pupils to complete after they have designed, made and evaluated their electric helicopters.
A structured sheet to support pupils as they evaluate their electric helicopters.