Sir David Attenborough life story
Simple information sheet describing the life, career and achievements of naturalist, broadcaster and super scientist, Sir David Attenborough.
153 results
Searching Ages 7-11
Simple information sheet describing the life, career and achievements of naturalist, broadcaster and super scientist, Sir David Attenborough.
Use this presentation to read the story, hear the sounds of the jungle, investigate how sounds are made and discover how we hear them.
Use this poster to answer questions about the order and sizes of planets in our solar system.
Twenty days of fun, curriculum-linked spring and Easter-related science, with quiz questions, daily 10-minute science activities and resources for diving deeper.
Grow rainbows, discover the power of soap and make a bouncy egg with fun, hands-on experiments you can do in the classroom or at home.
Go fishing for ice, investigate what makes the best snow and make a glass sing with these fun science experiments you can do in the classroom or at home.
Pupils use this activity sheet to record their designs and explain how they have come up with their idea for a home for nature.
Pupils use this activity sheet as they research biodiversity in their local community and come up with ideas for their own home for nature
After watching the videos, use this sheet to record why biodiversity matters, what's happening to it and what we can do to improve it.
Be an animal investigator and make a classification key to identify and classify woodland animals.
Use this evaluation sheet to record the results from your own spinner experiment
Test your students' knowledge of air resistance with this activity sheet