Weather diary activity sheet
Pupils can use simple drawings and weather words to record the weather for a week, with this simple weather diary activity sheet.
Explore the topic of weather with this range of resources.
Use the presentation to learn more about the different types of weather and to introduce pupils to a weather forecaster.
Then use the matching card game to develop vocabulary.
Encourage pupils to use record the weather for the week with the weather diary activity sheet.
Just want one of the lesson resources? No problem…
Pupils can use simple drawings and weather words to record the weather for a week, with this simple weather diary activity sheet.
Use this presentation featuring photographs of ten different types of weather, to develop vocabulary about the weather and to introduce pupils to a weather forecaster.
Develop the vocabulary of weather as pupils match photos to weather words in this simple card-matching game.
Learn about careers related to this lesson…
Use this animation, to provide context for an investigation into what happens when there is more than one bulb in a circuit.
Use this activity sheet to identify components, use symbols and draw a circuit diagram.
Plan an investigation into the effects of having more than one bulb in a circuit, with this investigation planning sheet.
Use this activity sheet to complete sentences about electricity and circuits and identify simple components, and working circuits.
How does a battery work? Why are batteries important to the future of our planet? Use this presentation to answer these questions and more.
Use this classroom poster to stimulate discussions about the humble battery and why it’s so important to the future of our planet.
A step-by-step video showing how to make a simple circuit that will make the helicopter's rotor blades turn.
A step-by-step video showing how to make a switch using a block of wood, drawing pins and a paperclip.
A step-by-step video showing how to make the landing gear and fuselage (base) of the helicopter using blocks of wood and lolly sticks.
A step-by-step video showing how to make the rotor of the helicopter using a motor and a paper straw.
A step-by-step video describing the extra parts that need to be made to complete the electric helicopter, including the tail, tail rotor and canopy.
Can you make an electric helicopter with a rotor that switches on and off? Use this animation to introduce this challenge to pupils.
Discover other resources around this topic…
Use this 2-page poster to find out about weather and seasonal changes and how this can be measured.
Discover seasonal changes and learn about the weather through the children's story 'Emperor’s New Clothes'.
2 items
Download the full lessonUse this 2-page poster about seasons to explore topic areas such as, changes in nature, and the features of each season.
Use this activity sheet to describe the changes that happen in a specific season including the changes to animals and plants).