The story of Dame Elizabeth Anionwu presentation
Use this presentation to learn about the career of pioneering nurse Dame Elizabeth Anionwu, her achievements and legacy in nursing and sickle cell disease.
Discover the fascinating career of Black British nurse Dame Elizabeth Anionwu. Learn about how her difficult upbringing inspired her to become a nurse and how her important work in sickle cell disease has changed the lives of sufferers. Apply student’s knowledge of genetic Punnett squares and blood cells to sickle cell disease and discover careers in nursing.
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Use this presentation to learn about the career of pioneering nurse Dame Elizabeth Anionwu, her achievements and legacy in nursing and sickle cell disease.
Using students knowledge of blood cells, breathing and respiration, students discover why sickle cell patients suffer from their symptoms.
Apply students’ knowledge of Punnett squares to understand the genetics of sickle cell disease. Bring their learning to life as students help families discover the possibility of their child having the disease.
Students develop research skills to discover the different pathways into a nursing career. They learn that nursing qualifications have varied entry requirements, making it an accessible career for all.