Animal explorer interactive (4-7)
An innovative, fun and engaging interactive with images, facts and quizzes about the variety of life in our animal kingdom.
The fun and engaging primary animal explorer interactive teaches pupils about the variety of life in our animal kingdom, the characteristics of living things and their habitats. Featuring fact-files for 100 animals and quizzes to check learning, it gives pupils a tool to learn about animal groups, habitats, native wildlife plus fascinating facts.
Use the differentiated printable fact-file cards for identification, grouping and classification activities that reinforce and check learning. Develop pupils research skills as they make their own fact-file about an animal of their choice.
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An innovative, fun and engaging interactive with images, facts and quizzes about the variety of life in our animal kingdom.
Choose an animal and create your own animal fact file with this activity sheet.
Choose an animal and create your own animal fact file with this activity sheet.
Identify, group and classify animals with these simple sorting cards.
Identify, group and classify animals with these detailed sorting cards.
Learn about careers related to this lesson…
Watch Jen, an ecologist, talking about her job and using special equipment to observe and identify minibeasts in a variety of microhabitats.
A guide for teachers with suggestions for how to build awareness of a career in ecology. Includes ideas for role play and vocabulary development.
Discover other resources around this topic…
A real-world challenge inspiring pupils to find out what minibeasts are, where they live, and what they need to survive.
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