Meet a research technologist video (ages 11-16)
Meet Hannah, a research technologist. Discover her career path, favorite parts of the job, required skills, and key responsibilities.
Use these resources to introduce your class to Hannah, a real-life research technologist. Watch the video to explore Hannah’s daily responsibilities. Use the job-role card to discover the skills and qualifications needed for her career.
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Meet Hannah, a research technologist. Discover her career path, favorite parts of the job, required skills, and key responsibilities.
Meet Hannah, a research technologist. Discover her career path, favorite parts of the job, required skills, and key responsibilities.
Use this job-role card to inspire your students to explore future careers and connect their learning to the real world.
Inspire your students to explore future careers and connect learning to the real world with this job-role card, featuring both an apprentice research technologist and a senior research technologist.